Here is the latest news from OSGUG.
Fund Raising
Alistair and I have been chatting with the Development Office at GU and making sure they are aware of our membership. Like me, I am sure some of you will have been phoned by students who encouraged you to donate to various appeals. Although much of your membership subscription makes its way to the University I am sure you don’t expect this to make you immune from such approaches. Any callers should be aware of your OSGUG membership though and if you don’t wish to receive such calls, just tell the caller and they will record this in their database.
Gordon Graham
I am sad to report that member Gordon Graham passed away recently. I remember with pleasure and respect the talk he gave to us a couple of years ago in Abingdon when he told us about his role in the battle for Kohima on the Indian-Burma border in the Second World War and the Kohima Educational Trust set up forty years later to aid the education of local Naga children. I am sure you will join me in passing on our sympathy to his family.
Moving On
Our best wishes go with two members who have resigned from OSGUG. Robin Sharp and Myra McLelland are leaving the area; in Myra’s case to move to New Zealand.
OSGUG Website
Recently Alistair has revamped the OSGUG website. It is worth a view We hope to keep it up to date with news of future events to act as a reference point so you don’t have to keep track of emails and letters from me. If you have any pictures to share, or other comments please send them.
Visit to Rewley House
We have at last finalised the event we have been trying to organise for some time. There be a talk and lunch held in Oxford on Monday 29th June that I hope you will enjoy. It will be held at Rewley House, home of the Department of Continuing Education, in Wellington Square, just south of Little Clarendon Street.
The timetable will be:
1030 Arrive – tea/coffee biscuits
1100 A talk on the work of the University Department of Continuing Education by Chris Day, University Lecturer in Local History and Director of International Academic Programmes at the Department.
1200 Tour of Rewley House
1230 Three course lunch
The cost will be £25.
If you wish to book tickets please send a cheque to:
Margaret Stevenson
I hope to see many of you there as it will be good to catch up as well as see an interesting place and enjoy a good lunch.
John Gordon, President